The Nightmare of Psychiatric Drugs
Psychiatric drugs can be incredibly dangerous, often linked to severe side effects and responsible for over 42,000 deaths annually. Despite these risks, they are a massive industry, with millions of Americans, including many children, taking them daily. The psychiatric and prescription drug industries have misled the public with claims of “chemical imbalances in the brain” that supposedly require treatment with synthetic, mind-altering drugs.
These misleading claims have devastated countless families and caused thousands of deaths due to ill-prescribed medications. How many more tragedies must occur before we collectively recognize that human emotions are not “imbalances” needing correction with hazardous drugs? When will we reject these false narratives?
Total Farce
When it comes to physical illnesses like cancer or diabetes, diagnostic tests can confirm the condition. However, ADHD and other psychiatric conditions are often labeled as “chemical imbalances” without any definitive tests to back these claims. Which chemicals are imbalanced? Where is the evidence? Why can’t these imbalances be tested? It’s alarming that psychiatrists prescribe potent mental medications to children after just a brief, 15-minute consultation, despite acknowledging the following:
“It can be difficult to pick a diagnosis.”
“Diagnoses are sometimes kind of muddy.”
“We don’t always make the perfect diagnosis.”
“It’s hard, we’re wrong about half the time.”
Educate Yourself! You Cannot Rely on Psychiatrists or the Pharmaceutical Industry!
The creators of the acclaimed documentaries Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging and The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane? have released a new film featuring personal stories of loss due to psychiatric drugs. Listening to these eight mothers, their families, and health experts will reveal just how misguided the psychiatric industry can be
Spread the word and share this video with everyone you know. The reckless distribution of psychiatric medications, especially to children, must stop immediately. This issue is not only maddening but also heartbreaking, as it continues to destroy lives.