Benefits of Muira Puama for Women
Before diving into the benefits of Muira Puama for women, it’s worth noting that this ancient plant offers advantages to both genders. However, today we’ll focus on how it specifically benefits women. Here are four key benefits of Muira Puama for female health.
Stimulates Libido
One of the main reasons early American explorers were drawn to Muira Puama is its strong reputation as an aphrodisiac. A study examining its potential to boost libido involved 202 healthy women with low sex drives. After a month of taking Muira Puama supplements, 65% of these women reported improvements in desire and sexual satisfaction. They also experienced more sexual fantasies and increased orgasm intensity.
Boosts Physical Performance
Historically, people of all ages have used various herbs to enhance physical performance, and Muira Puama is no different. In Brazil, this herb is seen as a natural tonic for physical and athletic performance and is commonly used to combat fatigue. Studies suggest that Muira Puama may work as a mild stimulant, helping to boost physical endurance.
It’s Good Brain Food
While physical abilities and a strong libido are important, a sound mind is equally essential. Animal studies have shown that Muira Puama extract can support cognitive function, often within just two weeks of use. This makes it a valuable supplement for maintaining mental clarity and cognitive health.
Promotes a Healthy Stress Response
Balancing home and work life can leave many working mothers constantly stressed. Chronic, unmanaged stress can harm health by negatively impacting the immune system and increasing blood sugar and insulin levels. Muira Puama may help reduce anxiety, which can significantly lower emotional and mental stress.
Supplementing With Muira Puama
Traditionally, Muira Puama was simmered in a pot of water and consumed as a tea. However, some evidence suggests that the active components responsible for the plant’s benefits may not be water-soluble. Therefore, taking a high-quality extract in tincture or capsule form may be the most effective way to gain its valuable nutrients.