How Does Green Coffee Bean Work?
Green coffee beans are rich in polyphenols, including chlorogenic acids. These compounds, similar to those found in grape seed extract and green tea, have antioxidants that help the body neutralize harmful free radicals. Research has also shown that chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans can help maintain normal blood pressure.
Unlike regular coffee, green coffee bean extract is low in caffeine and does not act as a stimulant. The chlorogenic acids are destroyed when coffee beans are roasted, so their benefits are not present in regular coffee drinks.
Chlorogenic acids contribute to the weight loss benefits of green coffee beans in a couple of ways. Firstly, they help balance blood sugar levels by inhibiting the release of glucose in the body. Secondly, they enhance the liver’s metabolic output, which helps burn fat. This dual action supports lean body mass by preventing fat absorption and weight gain.
Research Indicates Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean
In 2006, a study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine explored the effects of green coffee bean extract on fat accumulation and weight gain in mice. The researchers found that the mice had reduced visceral fat content and body weight. They concluded that green coffee bean extract might be effective against weight gain and fat accumulation by disrupting fat absorption and stimulating fat metabolism in the liver.
In 2011, Gastroenterology Research and Practice published a meta-analysis of five studies that examined green coffee bean extract as a weight loss supplement. Although more research is needed, the combined data showed a significant difference in body weight among the subjects who took green coffee bean extract compared to those who took a placebo. This evidence suggests that green coffee bean extract can promote weight loss.
How to Find a Green Coffee Supplement
When it comes to losing weight, a proper diet and exercise are crucial for success. However, research indicates that adding a supplement like green coffee bean extract can enhance weight loss potential, along with providing antioxidant benefits. For green coffee bean extract to be effective, it must be a pure, organic, 100% high-grade coffee bean extract supplement manufactured in the US, with laboratory tests certifying the product’s potency and quality.