An ancient technique, Far Infrared Therapy uses energy waves, or rays, to slightly elevate the body’s surface temperature. By inducing a small temperature increase, we can enhance our body’s functioning on multiple levels. Our hands, bodies, and the sun emit FIR energy constantly. In Ancient China, palm healing transferred these infrared rays from one person to another.
In modern times, this practice is often referred to as Reiki. The Yogis of Ancient India also used FIR in palm healing, particularly placing palms over the eyes for eye dryness or strain. Many ancient civilizations, including Japan, China, India, the Americas, Northern Europe, and ancient Rome, utilized various forms of thermal healing.
Far Infrared Health Benefits
I strongly advocate for using Far Infrared as a detoxification aid. In my practice, I’ve found this therapy helpful for fat loss, chronic fatigue, water retention, skin disorders, and eliminating heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic materials from our bodies.
When we process food, especially unhealthy food or meats, our bodies create lactic acids and free fatty acids, as well as excess sodium and uric acid. For patients with skin concerns, I’ve found that this therapy can help cleanse the liver and kidneys, reducing the skin’s burden in processing toxins through the dermis.
Far Infrared therapy gently increases blood flow by expanding the capillaries that carry blood. It also enhances oxygenation and regeneration of the blood, deeply detoxifying it for improved functioning of all major organs that rely on blood for energy. This detoxification occurs on the deepest level, dissolving or immobilizing hidden toxins in the blood and tissues.
Through subtle heating, Far Infrared boosts the immune system by increasing white blood cells and killer T-cells. It promotes healing, reduces muscle soreness and spasms, and provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis. NASA research has shown that far infrared benefits the cardiovascular system, helping keep astronauts’ hearts in optimal condition.
Far Infrared can also enhance enzyme activity in the digestive tract and boost metabolism. An hour of this therapy can burn up to 900 calories, effectively breaking down trapped fat, waste, cellulite, and other toxic substances. The rejuvenating effects of Far Infrared help heal scar tissue from burns, acne, and other dermatological scarring.
The sweating induced by Far Infrared Therapy helps detoxify the body from modern pollution levels. It is also crucial for pain relief and reducing redness and swelling. Clinical studies in the United States and Japan found that “much of the stiffness, aches, and soreness that comes with aging is reduced or eliminated” and “whole body far infrared heat relieved pain from burns and decreased healing time with less scarring.”
Heart studies by The Mayo Clinic and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that infrared sauna therapy significantly improved blood vessel functioning in patients with high cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking habits. The therapy also increased circulation, lowered blood pressure and blood sugar, and aided in weight loss.
Far infrared saunas are available for home use and in spa settings to take advantage of these health benefits. Investing in a personal sauna is an investment in long-term health and well-being. I also recommend using home products that utilize the same far infrared technology to assist with detoxification. For example, my Detox Foot Pads contain amethyst and tourmaline gemstones to release far infrared rays, promoting natural detoxification of chemicals, toxins, and toxic metals from your body while you sleep.