What are Internal and External Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures?
Hemorrhoids come in two types: external and internal. External hemorrhoids are inflamed veins just under the skin around the anus, while internal hemorrhoids are inflamed veins inside the anus and rectum. Symptoms often include discomfort, swelling, irritation, and itching around the anus. The most common symptom is rectal bleeding, which can show up on underwear, in the stool, or on toilet paper. Sometimes, a swollen lump appears, making sitting and various movements uncomfortable.
Causes of Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures
Several factors can cause hemorrhoids, including chronic constipation and diarrhea, sitting for long periods, and straining to pass a stool, usually due to constipation. Age is also a factor, as older people are more likely to develop them. Pregnancy can lead to hemorrhoids because of increased pressure on veins in the lower abdomen during fetal development and delivery. Obesity and inactivity also raise the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Additionally, men are more prone to hemorrhoids than women.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures
In many cases, hemorrhoids and anal fissures will heal on their own within a few weeks. However, there are several steps you can take to speed up the healing process. For hemorrhoids, start by drinking plenty of water to soften your stools and consume a lot of fiber from fruits and vegetables to make bowel movements easier. Many people find relief by taking a sitz bath or sitting in a warm Epsom salt bath for about 15 minutes, which covers the legs and lower abdomen. Additionally, using a high-quality witch hazel extract or salve can act as a great astringent to encourage healing.
Recently, researchers have discovered that applying a honey-olive oil mixture can reduce bleeding and relieve itching. Olive oil is rich in essential vitamins like Vitamin E, fatty acids, and antioxidants. This honey-oil mixture is also effective for patients with anal fissures. Other natural remedies for anal fissures include applying warm compresses, aloe vera, and wheat germ oil to the anus to speed healing and reduce discomfort.
Learn More About Global Healing’s Skin Therapy
One of the fastest natural ways to promote healing is to use ozonated olive oil. Studies show that it cleanses the area and delivers oxygen directly to the wound to stimulate healing. A simple application of ozonated olive oil, like Global Healing’s Skin Therapy, a couple of times daily can boost the healing process and reduce the swelling and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
If you have experienced hemorrhoids or anal fissures, share with the community below what natural remedies worked for you.