What is Magnesium Orotate?
Magnesium orotate is a form of magnesium that is bound to orotic acid, making it highly absorbable by the body. Compared to other types of magnesium, it passes through cells more easily. Since the Standard American Diet often lacks magnesium-rich foods, many people need magnesium supplementation, and magnesium orotate is one of the best options available.
4 Benefits of Magnesium Orotate
Having a nutrient that can easily penetrate cells and be efficiently utilized is crucial, especially for those with nutrient deficiencies. Magnesium orotate offers numerous benefits, particularly for cardiovascular health and gastrointestinal support.
Supports Cardiovascular Health
Research indicates that magnesium salts, specifically orotic acid salts, are beneficial for the heart. One study found that magnesium orotate might be particularly helpful for individuals who have experienced heart failure.
Boosts Stamina and Endurance
Both animal and human studies have shown that magnesium orotate can enhance endurance and exercise tolerance. These benefits are especially noticeable in people with previous cardiovascular issues. Even trained athletes have reported improved endurance after supplementing with magnesium orotate.
Provides GI Support
A study focusing on children with constipation revealed that magnesium orotate effectively relieved symptoms. This finding is not surprising to many physicians, as magnesium is known to act as a natural laxative. However, more research is needed to determine its effects on other gastrointestinal conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome.
Promotes Bone Health
Chronic low levels of magnesium are a major factor in the development of osteoporosis. Older adults, in particular, often have lower dietary intakes of magnesium and are more susceptible to deficiencies. Supplementing with magnesium can help address this deficiency and support bone health.
Supplementing With Magnesium Orotate
Magnesium is essential for many bodily processes, so it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough daily. If your intake is insufficient, consider a high-quality supplement, especially one that combines magnesium with calcium orotate, as these two nutrients work together to benefit the entire body.
For a top-tier magnesium orotate supplement, consider Global Healing’s IntraCal. This product combines calcium and magnesium orotates to create a powerful blend that supports gastrointestinal health, boosts stamina, promotes healthy teeth and bones, and encourages heart health.