Discover the Top Four Iodine Supplements You Need to Know About

Iodine: Essential for a Vibrant and Radiant Body

Iodine plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. It’s vital for various bodily functions, including supporting the immune system, metabolism, and cardiovascular health. Surprisingly, more than half of the U.S. population is estimated to have insufficient iodine levels. This mineral is particularly important for the thyroid gland, aiding in the production of T3 and T4 hormones, which are essential for regulating metabolism. Let’s explore some popular iodine supplements available on the market and see how they compare.

Nascent Iodine

Nascent iodine, also known as transformative nano-colloidal detoxified iodine, is a consumable form of iodine that carries an electromagnetic charge. This charge allows for a greater release of energy once consumed, making it similar to the precursor form of iodine that the body converts into thyroid hormones. Because of this, the body can easily recognize and assimilate it. Its unique structure enables it to travel through the body more quickly and efficiently than other iodine supplements. Additionally, unlike many liquid iodine supplements, nascent iodine contains no alcohol. It is considered the best form for supplementation. I recommend Detoxadine?, a highly pure, deep-earth sourced, certified-organic nascent iodine. Each drop contains 650 mcg of iodine.

Lugol’s Solution Iodine

Also known as “strong iodine solution,” Lugol’s contains 6.3 mg of molecular iodine/iodide per drop. The formula consists of 85% distilled water, 10% potassium iodide, and 5% elemental iodine. Lugol’s may increase respiratory tract secretions and can reduce the vascularity or blood flow to the thyroid, inhibiting unwanted thyroid hormone secretion. It is also commonly used as a topical antiseptic due to iodine’s resistance to harmful organisms.


Povidone-iodine is typically used topically on the skin for wounds to prevent infection or eliminate harmful organisms. It is often found in first aid kits and surgical settings, though it is not commonly used as a supplement. While not many people take povidone-iodine orally, some use it as an antiseptic mouthwash. Additionally, it may help promote normal cholesterol levels, particularly the LDL or “bad” variety.

Potassium Iodide

Potassium iodide is usually available in tablet form, with servings ranging from 0.23 to 130 mg. This closely-bound inorganic form of iodine is only about 20% assimilated into the body. Studies show that potassium iodide can block the uptake of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland, thereby reducing the risk of developing thyroid cancer, especially after radiation exposure. Moreover, potassium iodide is used in emergency treatments for hyperthyroidism.

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