The Benefits and Risks of Lithium Orotate: What You Need to Know

What Is Lithium?

“Technically, lithium is not a drug but a mineral, similar to salt.” – VA Research Currents

“In fact, lithium isn’t a drug at all. It’s actually a mineral — part of the same family of minerals that includes sodium and potassium.” – Jonathan Wright, M.D., author of “The Importance of Lithium Supplementation”

“Shocking but true — lithium is an essential trace element.” – Emily Deans, M.D., Harvard-trained psychiatrist, and author of “Could You Have a Lithium Deficiency?”

“Lithium is an essential micronutrient. It is present in all organs and tissues in the body. It has similar chemical properties to calcium and magnesium.” – Mark Hyman, M.D., best-selling author of “The UltraMind Solution”

“Lithium is one of the most important elements in the human body.” – Lawrence Wilson, M.D., author of “Lithium”

“Lithium itself is not a drug; it’s a naturally occurring mineral salt like potassium, and is something you need for proper mental and physical health. Lithium orotate may be a safe and simple way to help beat the blues.” – Al Sears, M.D.

“Lithium is one of the most important elements in the human body.” – Lawrence Wilson, M.D., author of “Lithium”

“Lithium is a trace element which has important functions in the brain, including protecting brain cells from various toxins and reducing the ill effects of certain excitatory neurotransmitters which are harmful in large amounts.” – Alice R. Laule, M.D., author of “Lithium”

Lithium is the most powerful essential trace mineral ever discovered for promoting optimal functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

Why Is Lithium Important?

Medical doctors are highlighting the incredible therapeutic benefits of lithium at low doses.

Lithium is an essential trace mineral. When it is removed from farm animals’ diets, they often develop numerous chronic, degenerative diseases. These include atrophy of the spleen, development of cysts, tumors, severely depressed immune systems, and decreased fertility. Also, nursing mothers with inadequate lithium stores have a diminished quantity of breast milk.

A study conducted in Texas from 1978-1987 analyzed 27 state counties. It was discovered that incidences of suicide, homicide, rape, drug abuse, and felonious acts were about 50% lower in counties with lithium-containing drinking water, which had levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L. The study also noticed a significant reduction in drug-related arrests within the same areas and time periods.

“In small doses (15 mg/day), lithium orotate has been shown to protect the central nervous system.” – Dietrich K. Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D.

Harvard Medical School reviewed over 30 human meta-analysis studies and concluded that lithium reduces the rate and risk of suicide attempts by 80-90% in patients with major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The overall risk of suicides was five times less among lithium-treated individuals compared with those who were not treated with lithium.

In studies among healthy populations, lithium has been shown to significantly increase brain mass in both gray and white matter.

Lithium augmentation poses a promising therapy for geriatric patients who are unresponsive to or cannot tolerate other standard therapies. “In some cases, adjunctive lithium leads to improvement in mood very quickly, usually in 2 or 3 days.”

A placebo-controlled human study found that lithium reduced histamine and bronchial reactivity in airway smooth muscle, improving symptom scores. In guinea pigs, lithium significantly reduced the contractile effect of histamine on lung and trachea tissues.

Lithium may support blood vessels. Animals rendered lithium deficient in lab testing developed calcification of blood vessels, increasing the risk for heart concerns.

Lithium has been shown to reduce excessive arachidonic acid levels in rats’ brains. “…lithium might be considered for promoting normal brain health in humans.”

Lithium has been discovered to significantly improve immune function by increasing components like granulocytes, monocytes, natural killer T-cells, and immunoglobulins.

Multiple studies indicate lithium’s role in alleviating occasional headaches.

Lithium also offers robust protection from toxic metals like aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury toxicity. Animal studies suggest lithium has a protective effect against these toxic metals.

Lithium has soothing effects on the bowel and works at the core of stress-related illnesses by balancing, normalizing, and regulating stress hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. “Lithium plays a gastro-protective role.”

Is Lithium Safe?

Lithium orotate “…does not require blood tests to establish a therapeutic level as prescription forms do, nor is it toxic to the kidneys like lithium pharmaceuticals.” Furthermore, “Prescription lithium is poorly absorbed by cells, the main site where it performs its functions.” – Ward Dean, M.D.

According to Jonathan Wright, M.D., a total daily intake of 30 milligrams of elemental lithium will have unnoticeable effects on serum lithium levels, usually remaining in a non-detectable range. Even 40 mg per day appears to be completely safe, presenting no negative side effects or signs of toxicity.

Dr. Wright also states, “After decades of clinical research and laboratory testing of the compound on my patients, I discovered that administering lithium orotate up to 40 mg per day is completely safe, without negative side effects or toxicity, and absolutely effective in controlling numerous mental, neurological, and physical conditions.”

Dr. Dean agrees, “Lithium orotate has also been successfully used in alleviating discomfort from some types of occasional headaches. Lithium Orotate is extremely safe, with no known adverse side effects or drug interactions.”

“Lithium orotate is effective at uncommonly low doses and causes no negative side effects.” – Dr. Hans Nieper

What’s the Best Form of Lithium?

Another form of lithium, called lithium orotate, is preferred because the orotate ion crosses the blood-brain barrier easily. Therefore, lithium orotate can be used in much lower doses (e.g., 5 mg) with remarkable results and no side effects. – Shaheen Lakhan, M.D., author of “Nutritional Therapies for Mental Disorders”

“The lithium salt of orotic acid (lithium orotate) improves the effects of lithium several-fold by increasing lithium bio-utilization.” – Ward Dean, M.D., author of “The Unique Safe Mineral with Multiple Uses”

Available without a prescription, lithium orotate is lithium combined with an orotate ion rather than a carbonate ion. “Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available as an over-the-counter dietary supplement.” – Linda Fugate, Ph.D., author of “Lithium’s Potential Role in Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease”

In 1973, Dr. Hans Nieper reported that about 90% of his migraine patients experienced significant relief in the frequency and severity of their headaches. He achieved these results by using a unique mineral transporter known as orotic acid (also called orotate), allowing him to administer only small amounts of lithium to achieve maximum results.

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