Unlocking the Power of Licorice Root: A Beneficial Ally in Balancing Candida Overgrowth


In ancient Egypt, if you craved something sweet to quench your thirst, you couldn’t just grab a sports drink from a nearby store. Instead, Egyptians prepared a beverage from licorice root that resembled tea. Both pharaohs and prophets drank this tea not only to alleviate thirst but also as a natural remedy for ailments like stomach ulcers and canker sores.

Nowadays, when we think of licorice, we often think of candy. However, the benefits of licorice root go beyond satisfying a sweet tooth. We’re going to delve into how licorice root can help balance Candida overgrowth.

What Is Licorice Anyway?

Licorice is derived from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a perennial herb native to Turkey, Greece, and Asia. It wasn’t just the Egyptians who utilized this plant. In ancient China and Greece, licorice root, also known as sweet root, was used both to flavor food and beverages and as a natural remedy. The plant offered various benefits, from soothing stomach discomfort to aiding digestion. In traditional Chinese medicine, licorice root is often combined with other herbs like dandelion and anise seed to enhance both flavor and effectiveness.

Licorice root contains multiple active compounds like glycyrrhizic acid, glabridin, and licochalcone-A, which are believed to be responsible for its health benefits, including its ability to combat Candida. With over 70 identified bioactive compounds such as triterpenoids and flavonoids, licorice root can deter harmful organisms, reduce inflammation, and offer other health benefits.

While glycyrrhizic acid helps prevent harmful cell growth, excessive consumption can boost cortisol levels, the stress hormone. To address this, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which has the acid removed, has become popular. However, some of the benefits are maximized when consuming the whole root. Thus, it’s beneficial to use the complete root, not just isolated parts, but caution is needed to avoid long-term use.

Licorice root is available in various forms such as dried roots, tea, capsules, or powder. It is also marketed as a nutritional supplement, either alone or combined with other herbs.

It’s important to note that modern black licorice candy is typically flavored with anise, not actual licorice, so it doesn’t offer the same health benefits.

Licorice Root & Fungal Balance

People have long recognized the health benefits of licorice root, one of which is its ability to balance fungi like yeast in the body.

Why Does Yeast Grow Out of Control?

Candida albicans is the principal yeast responsible for fungal infections in humans. Although it usually resides harmlessly in the throat, stomach, and other parts of your body, it can sometimes overgrow, causing infections such as oral thrush or vaginal yeast infections.

Anyone can develop a yeast infection, although certain factors make it more likely. These include diets high in sugar and refined carbs, weakened immune systems, or recent antibiotic use. Specific medications and medical conditions can also weaken the immune system, enabling yeast to overgrow.

What Licorice Root Can Do

Licorice root can disrupt the growth of harmful organisms, helping to balance yeast levels in the body. Licochalcone-A, one of its natural compounds, contributes to these properties. Additionally, glycyrrhizic acid has strong antifungal capabilities.

Licorice also promotes mucus production, which can soothe and protect the esophagus and stomach from excess acid. This mucus itself can help deter harmful organisms.

Other Licorice Root Benefits

Besides deterring yeast, licorice root offers numerous other benefits:

– Supporting the gastrointestinal system

– Alleviating stomach discomfort

– Soothing red or irritated skin

– Balancing microbes, thereby aiding the immune system

– Stimulating the production of immune system T-cells

Women experiencing menopause may also benefit from licorice root due to its estrogenic properties, which can support overall wellness during this stage of life.

Best Ways to Use Licorice Root

The best way to use licorice root is to find it in its natural form or purchase a high-quality nutritional supplement like Candida Balance. This blend includes organic licorice root combined with other certified organic herbs and enzymes, such as organic anise seed and wildcrafted jatoba bark. This vegan formula naturally balances yeast and fungi in the body.

Body Balance Tea Recipe

If you’re interested in using licorice for Candida, you might enjoy this balancing tea blend recipe:


* 1 teaspoon licorice root

* 1 piece cinnamon bark

* 5 anise seeds

* 1 slice dried orange peel

* Raw honey to taste


1. Boil water in a saucepan or kettle.

2. Add licorice root, cinnamon bark, anise seeds, and dried orange peel to the boiling water.

3. Let the mixture simmer for at least 30 minutes on low heat.

4. Strain out the solid ingredients, keeping the liquid.

5. Sweeten the tea with raw honey to taste and pour it into a cup.

6. Enjoy your tea!

What Else Can I Do For Fungal Balance?

Using licorice root is only part of the solution. Achieving fungal balance in your body often requires dietary changes. The Candida diet plan focuses on removing yeast-promoting foods while adding those that support gut health. The goal is to “starve” the yeast by cutting out its food sources.

Foods to Eliminate

* Sugar

* Gluten

* Yeast and fungi (e.g., mushrooms)

* Alcohol

* Coffee

Foods to Add

* Fermented foods

* Gluten-free grains

* Vegetables

* Healthy fats and oils

Besides dietary changes, reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and taking a quality probiotic supplement can also help. Global Healing’s Ultimate Probiotic contains 25 unique strains along with prebiotics and bacteriophages.

Licorice Root Precautions

Consuming too much glycyrrhizic acid from licorice can raise blood pressure and lower potassium levels. If you have concerns, consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Generally, it’s recommended not to use licorice root for more than eight weeks continuously. This allows time for balancing your body without risking potential side effects from long-term glycyrrhizic acid intake.

Pregnant women or those considering pregnancy should avoid licorice root.

Points to Remember

From being used as a natural sweetener in ancient teas to balancing fungus such as Candida, the benefits of licorice root have been acknowledged for centuries. Whether in ancient Egypt, China, or other parts of the world, licorice root has been a go-to for various traditional remedies and its thirst-quenching properties.

Today, we understand that one vital benefit of licorice root is its ability to balance fungi and yeast within the body. While Candida overgrowth is more common in people with weakened immune systems, anyone can experience yeast infections at any age. Using a natural method like licorice root to maintain fungal balance is beneficial. Combining it with other antifungal herbs in formulas like Candida Balance is an excellent approach.

Beyond balancing fungi, licorice root also offers benefits such as promoting hormone balance during menopause, soothing stomach discomfort, supporting the immune system, balancing microbes, and calming irritated skin. You can enjoy these benefits by drinking licorice root tea or taking it in supplement form.

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