Unveiling Manganese: Discover the Vital Benefits of This Essential Mineral

How Much Manganese Do I Need?

The recommended dietary allowance for manganese hasn’t been established, but there are adequate intake levels to guide you:

Years Men Women

Birth to 6 Months: 3 mcg (micrograms) 3 mcg (micrograms)

7-12 Months: 600 mcg 600 mcg

1-3 years: 1.2 mg (milligrams) 1.2 mg (milligrams)

4-8 years: 1.5 mg 1.5 mg

9-13 years: 1.9 mg 1.6 mg

14-18 years: 2.2 mg 1.6 mg

19 and older: 2.3 mg 1.8 mg

Pregnant: 2 mg

Breastfeeding: 2.6 mg

Manganese Health Benefits

Manganese plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. It acts as a cofactor, helping enzymes perform their functions in the body. Manganese is vital for metabolizing cholesterol, carbohydrates, and protein. It is also a component of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps neutralize free radicals by converting superoxide, a harmful byproduct of metabolism, into safer molecules that don’t damage cells.

There might be a link between manganese and blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that people with diabetes often have low levels of manganese in their blood. However, it’s unclear whether diabetes causes manganese levels to drop or if low manganese contributes to the development of diabetes.

Manganese and Bone Health

Manganese is essential for bone health. When combined with adequate amounts of calcium, zinc, and copper, manganese helps maintain normal bone density, particularly in the spine and legs. This is especially important for older adults at risk of osteoporosis, including postmenopausal women. About 50% of postmenopausal women and 25% of men will experience an osteoporosis-related fracture.

There is also evidence suggesting that manganese, when taken with glucosamine and chondroitin, may reduce osteoarthritis pain. In one study, 52% of participants who took the combination reported improvement. However, this benefit seems to be limited to those with mild osteoarthritis, with no significant reduction noted in severe cases.

Manganese Deficiency

Although true manganese deficiency is rare, it’s estimated that up to 37% of Americans don’t get enough manganese in their diet. Inadequate manganese intake has been linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and epilepsy. Since manganese is necessary for normal skeletal development, low levels may contribute to skeletal and postural abnormalities.

Clinical studies suggest that people with seizure disorders often have lower levels of manganese in their blood and hair.

Manganese Toxicity

While manganese is essential for proper body function, excessive amounts can lead to manganese toxicity. Here are the tolerable upper intake levels for humans:

1-3 years: 2 mg

4-8 years: 3 mg

9-13 years: 6 mg

14-18 years: 9 mg

19 years and older: 11 mg

As the saying goes, “The dose makes the poison.” Although manganese is necessary in trace amounts, it is considered a heavy metal. Excessive intake of manganese, like other heavy metals such as zinc, copper, selenium, and iron, can negatively impact health, particularly brain health.

Excess manganese is stored in brain tissue, and if it reaches toxic levels, it can cause neural impairment and a neurodegenerative disorder known as manganism, which has symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. Manganism occurs when manganese accumulates in the basal ganglia.

Manganese Toxicity and Children

Children are particularly vulnerable to manganese toxicity and heavy metal toxicity in general. Excess manganese can negatively affect brain development, behavior, learning ability, and memory. In one documented case, a young boy with high levels of manganese experienced significant issues with verbal and visual memory, learning index, and general memory, placing his test scores in the lowest percentile among his peers.

What’s the Best Source of Manganese?

A balanced diet of whole, real, organic food is the best source of the full spectrum of nutrients your body needs, including manganese. Common foods rich in manganese include nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. However, the manganese content in these foods can vary based on the soil and region where they were grown.

Manganese Supplements

If your diet doesn’t provide enough manganese or other essential nutrients, a multivitamin can help fill the gaps. Manganese is available as a standalone supplement, but it’s best to consume it with associated nutrients like zinc, calcium, and copper, which work together.

Drucker Labs offers a line of liquid, plant-sourced multivitamins that are easily absorbed and highly bioavailable. For adults, intraMAX 2.0 contains 415 vital nutrients, including 71 carbon-bound minerals such as manganese. For children aged 4 and above, IntraKID provides 215 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in a liquid formula that’s easier to swallow than tablets, with a raspberry flavor that’s more palatable than chewable multivitamins.

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