Himalayan Crystal Salt Health Benefits
Himalayan crystal salt has been forming for the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure in an environment free from toxins and impurities. This type of salt is rich in about 80 natural minerals and elements that the human body uses. It’s widely used in Ayurvedic, Tibetan, and other traditional practices. Many believe that the unique cellular structure of Himalayan salt allows it to store vibrational energy. Additionally, it is thought to offer several health benefits, such as:
Regulating water levels in the body
Promoting stable pH balance
Encouraging healthy blood sugar levels
Reducing the appearance of aging
Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy balance
Aiding vascular health
Supporting healthy respiratory function
Promoting overall sinus health
Reducing cramps
Promoting healthy sleep patterns
Encouraging healthy libido
Promoting kidney and gallbladder health
Advocates of traditional medicine argue that processed table salt is energetically dead because its crystals are completely isolated from one another. To metabolize chemical table salt, the body must expend energy to maintain optimal fluid balance, which burdens the body’s elimination systems as water is drawn from other cells to neutralize the unnatural, processed salts.
The Trouble With Table Salt
The table salt commonly found in homes, restaurants, and processed foods lacks nutritional value and beneficial trace minerals. Many people are unaware that common table salt is processed with questionable chemicals and dried at temperatures exceeding 1,200° Fahrenheit, which disrupts its natural chemical structures.
The average American consumes 3,400 mg of sodium chloride daily, which is over 1,000 mg more than the recommended limit. The body cannot dispose of this excess sodium in a natural, healthy way, leading to tissue irritation, water retention, and high blood pressure.
Points to Remember
While many of the traditionally attributed health benefits of Himalayan salt have yet to be scientifically proven, it is clear that controlling your sodium intake can significantly impact your health and well-being. Fortunately, salt isn’t the only way to get vital trace minerals into your body. For that, I recommend IntraMIN, an all-natural trace mineral supplement. Derived exclusively from plant sources, IntraMIN offers 71 organically bound trace minerals, including magnesium, iodine, fulvic acid, calcium, potassium, and iron.